“Prepare”, Prime Minister Holness Urges Jamaicans as Hurricane Season Begins

Prime Minister Holness acknowledged that preparation costs may seem great but encouraged citizens to start small.
Prime Minister Andrew Holness is appealing to Jamaicans to start preparations for the Atlantic hurricane season, which began on Wednesday (June 1, 2022).
The Prime Minister encouraged citizens to begin by identifying safe and waterproof storage for their important paper documents, considering alternative supplies of drinking water should access to water become affected due to storm coverage, store non-perishable food items, and secure their homes and yard spaces.
Speaking at the handing over ceremony for a home in Lime Walk, St. Catherine, today (June 3, 2022), Prime Minister Holness also used the opportunity to underscore climate resilience as a central feature in the New Social Housing Programme (NSHP).
The Prime Minister said: “We are in the hurricane season. Jamaica is lucky and has been spared serious catastrophe in a number of years, and we hope this continues. However, people living in substandard housing will fare far worse if such bad weather occurs.”
In that regard, Prime Minister Holness explained the emphasis placed on making sure NSHP houses are solid structures that can withstand the elements and keep the occupants safe in times of natural disaster.