POST CABINET REPORT For Wednesday, July 7, 2021
Below are the decisions from Cabinet:
1. Implementation of an Electronic System of Land Title Registration
Cabinet gave approval for the implementation of an Electronic Land Titling Project at the National Land Agency (NLA). The project is to be incorporated into the Public Sector Investment Programme. The Ministry of Finance and Public Service will accommodate the implementation of the project over a six-year period to commence in the 2021/2022 financial year. The implementation of this programme will result in the complete phasing out of physical Certificates of Title and their replacement with electronic Certificates of Title. The implementation of an Electronic Land Registration system will assist in improving Jamaica’s rank on the World doing Business Report under the ‘Registering Property” index and contribute to the Government’s target of securing top ranking. Currently Jamaica is ranked 85 out of 190 countries and the implementation of the Electronic Land Registration would save time, reduce human resource requirements and provide opportunities for further collaboration with Tax Administration Jamaica and other ministries, departments and agencies with a view to reducing or eliminating connected transactional processes, external to the NLA.
2. Revised National Policy for Senior Citizens 2021
Cabinet gave approval for the revised National Policy for Senior Citizens for tabling as a White Paper in the Houses of Parliament and noted the intention for the Ministry of Labour and Social Security to develop legislation for the care and protection of older persons. In Jamaica, the cohort of persons 60 years and over is growing and is projected to account for 16.0% of the population by 2030 and 22.0% by 2050. Persons in this cohort demand greater levels of goods and services, specifically from the government. Given the significant informality in the labour market and the fact that many would not have contributed to any pension scheme, there is a high prevalence of poverty within this group. The revision of the policy is in keeping with the commitment of the government to implement the comprehensive Social Protection Strategy, including adequate safety nets and a social protection floor that mitigates the risks to economic and social development. The policy will be implemented over a period of ten years and the National Council for Senior Citizens will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the policy and associated programmes. The Ministry of Labour and Social Security will be studying the existing legislation, global best practises and an analysis of the local situation with a view of developing legislation for the care and protection of the elderly.
3. Establishment of a new governance and organisational structure for the Montego Bay Conference Centre trading as the Montego Bay Convention Centre (MBCC)
Cabinet gave approval for the amendment of the Articles of incorporation for the Montego Bay Convention Centre, MBCC, to remove the provision that a director may hold any other office or place of profit under the Company in conjunction with the office of director, as well as other provisions as these are inconsistent with the Corporate Governance Framework for Public Bodies. A new governance arrangement will be established in keeping with the Corporate Governance Framework for Public Bodies as well as a new organizational structure for the MBCC and the recruitment of the relevant expertise. The MBCC was established as a subsidiary company of the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) having been incorporated under the Companies Act as a limited liability company on October 15, 2010. The MBCC procured the services of a management company, Spectator Management Group (SMG) to manage, operate and promote the facility as a first class conference centre. In 2016, the Tourism Enhancement Fund assumed execution of the SMG contract. This contractual arrangement has expired and it is now important for new arrangements to be put in place to reflect the management and governance structures of the public sector.
4. Jamaica’s hosting of the Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission (LACFC)
Cabinet gave approval for Jamaica to host the 32nd session of the Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission virtually from September 6-12 2021. The LACFC was established in 1948 as a Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) statutory body that provided a technical and political forum for member nations to discuss and analyse issues related to forests and their contribution to food security, sustainable food production within the region and conservation of natural forest resources. Hosting the 32nd session will highlight Jamaica’s leadership and continued support and commitment to forest development and capacity building within the region. It will also increase the visibility and work of the local forestry sector, and strengthen regional and international partnerships and networks with the forestry sector. The expected outcomes and recommendation of the session will inform the work of the FAO in forestry within the Latin American and Caribbean region, the 2022 Forestry Conference in Rome Italy and the Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean. The Chief Executive Officer and Conservator of Forests in the Forestry Department will chair the session.
5. Reports
Cabinet received and approved the following annual reports and/or financial statements to be tabled in Parliament:
- Jamaica Bauxite Institute Limited 2019/2021
- Jamaica Intellectual Property Office (JIPO) 2009/2010 and 2010/2011
- Financial Service Commission March 31, 2020
- Nutrition Products Limited 2019/2020
- Court of Appeal 2020
- Tourism Product Development 2017/2018
- Milk River Bath 2019/2020
- Consolidated Fund March 31, 2021
6. Contracts
– Cabinet gave approval for the award of a contract for road and drainage rehabilitation works from Corner Gate to Woodhall in St. Catherine, in the amount of one hundred and twenty one million, seven hundred and five thousand dollars ($121,705,000.00) to Dwight’s Construction Limited.
– Cabinet gave approval for the award of a contract for the renewal of a software subscription and support for eGov Jamaica Limited for a period of 12 months in the amount of US seven hundred and ninety-five thousand, nine hundred and forty dollars and fifty-five cents (US$795,940.55) inclusive of GCT to IBM World Trade Corporation.
– Cabinet gave approval for the renewal of general insurance for the Braco Resort Hotel for the period June 1, 2021 to May 31, 2022 in the amount of US four hundred and forty-eight thousand and sixty-three dollars (US$448,063.000) exclusive of GCT to Marathon Insurance Brokers Ltd.
The Honourable Fayval Williams
Minister of Education, Youth and Information