Photo of the Day
“Four seeds underpin the relationship between India and Jamaica: culture, cricket, the Commonwealth, and Caricom”-Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
My visit to India, and bilateral discussions with Prime Minister Modi mark a new dimension in relations between our two countries.
I am deeply heartened by the warmth with which Jamaica has been received here in India and the willingness of Prime Minister Modi to forge an even more deeply impactful relationship with Jamaica.
We have discussed collaboration in a multiplicity of areas including health, education, digitization and digital transformation, national security, agriculture, energy, infrastructure, sports and the creative industry, and Prime Minister Modi, has clearly signalled his interest and commitment to partner with Jamaica for the mutual upliftment of both our peoples.
Our discussions were punctuated with fraternal warmth as we acknowledged our deep and intertwined history both through the commonwealth, and through Jamaica being home to the oldest Indian diaspora.
It has been a great honour to engage with Prime Minister Modi in relation to our developmental endeavours and to be assured of India’s cooperation and sincere interest in Jamaica’s success.