Senator The Honourable
Aubyn Hill
Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce
Senator the Honourable Aubyn Hill, is the Minister of Industry, Investment, & Commerce.
His portfolio responsibility includes JAMPRO, JANAAC, Cannabis Licensing Authority, Trade Board Limited, Companies Office of Jamaica, Consumer Affairs Commission and Bureau of Standard.
Minister Aubyn Hill has over 35 years of working experience in the private sector. As an international banker, he has lived in nine countries and done business in more than 115.
With a Harvard Business School MBA, Senator Hill spent 21 years as a banker in the Middle East. Starting in 2002, he also led the management team which completed the successful turnaround of one of the largest
banks in the Caribbean, National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited (NCB). In 19 months Aubyn and his team moved NCB’s stock price from $5.51 when he joined to J$31.70.
Between December 2005 and October 2011 Aubyn led the team which successfully divested the lossmaking, government-owned, sugar assets which consisted of five sugar factories and six estates.
Aubyn Hill has served on various private and public sector corporate boards.
In March 2016, Prime Minister Andrew Holness appointed Aubyn to the Senate and he was subsequently elected as Deputy President of the Senate. The Prime Minister also appointed Senator Hill as non-resident High Commissioner for Jamaica to India. In October 2017 Aubyn was chosen as the CEO of the Prime Minister’s Economic Growth Council.
After Prime Minister Andrew Holness was returned as Prime Minister in a landslide election on September 3, 2020, he invited Senator Aubyn Hill to join his cabinet in the Ministry which the Prime Minister leads – the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation. Minister Hill had responsibility for Water, Land, BPOs, the Special Economic Zone Authority of Jamaica and special projects as decided by the Prime Minister.
On January 11, 2022, Prime Minister Holness reshuffled the Cabinet and appointed Minister Hill as Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce. Minister Hill has responsibility for 22 agencies and departments including JAMPRO, JANAAC, Cannabis Licensing Authority, Trade Board Limited, Companies Office of Jamaica, Consumer Affairs Commission and Bureau of Standard.
Minister Hill speaks on finance, business management and economics at local and international conferences.
Aubyn Hill and his wife, Tamara, have two grown children.