Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation Low Cost Housing Design Competition

Competition Guidelines

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As part of efforts to ensure that all Jamaicans achieve their fullest potential through, inter alia, effective social protection, the New Social Housing Programme (NSHP) was implemented in July 2019 by the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation (MEGJC), to improve the housing condition of the country’s indigent population.  The NSHP aims to provide quality, affordable and sustainable housing and associated services for the indigent and other vulnerable persons currently living in sub-standard conditions and is underpinned by a number of strategic objectives to include: sustainable, low cost housing stock of the highest quality, which adheres to all health, safety and environmental standards.

It is within this context that the MEGJC extends an invitation for eligible individuals to submit low cost, sustainable, climate resilient architectural designs, for the houses to be built under the NSHP.  Competitors are encouraged to conceive new and original design concepts.





The competition is open to Jamaicans including but not limited to Engineers, Architects, Builders and students from the built environment.  Submissions may be done individually or in teams (maximum size 5).


The following persons are not eligible to participate:

  1. Members of the competition committee and their immediate families
  2. Staff of MEGJC and MHURECC and their immediate families
  3. The panel of judges and their immediate families
  4. Special advisors to the competition committee and the panel of judges



  • All interested persons must complete and submit a registration form by 4:00 p.m. on

May 25, 2021.



  • Entry forms may be downloaded from the MEGJC’s website at
  • The entry form MUST be signed by the competitor/s to be considered completed and is to be accompanied by a certified copy of the competitor/s government issued identification.
  • Where the submission is being done as a team, a leader must be identified.
  • The entry which will comprise the completed entry form and the design must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on August 9, 2021.
  • All submissions should be digital and files should not exceed 20mb.
  • Submissions should be emailed to [email protected]
  • Submissions received after the deadline will not be accepted



  • Awards will be made in each of four (4) categories: 1, 2 and 3 bedroom single family units and multifamily units.
  • The following prizes will be awarded in each of the 4 categories:
    • 1st Prize -$1,000,000.00 and a trophy
    • 2nd Prize – $500,000.00 and a trophy
  • 3rd Prize – $250,000.00 and a trophy
  • Honorary Mention -$50,000.00 each to the 2 most outstanding students
  • All awards will be presented within two (2) months of the announcement of the winners.
  • A Certificate of Participation will be given to all entrants.
  • The announcement of the winners will be made at an awards function to be held on September 17, 2021



All eligible entries will be judged by a panel of persons comprised as follows:

  1. Representative from the Jamaica Institute of Architects
  2. Representative from the Jamaica Institute of Engineers
  3. Representative from the Jamaica Institute of Quantity Surveyors
  4. Representative from the Caribbean School of Architecture
  5. Representative from the Incorporated Master Builders Association of Jamaica
  6. Representative from the National Environment and Planning Agency
  7. Representative from the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development
  8. Representative from the MEGJC
  9. Representative from the MHURECC



The following rules and conditions shall guide the competition:

a. Design Guidelines

  1. Each design base unit must not be less than 25m2, 42m2 and 71m2 for the 1, 2 and 3 bedroom unit respectively and must be considered a habitable unit
  2. Each design must include the following spaces:
    • Place to sleep
    • Place to eat
    • Place to cook
    • Place for ablutions
    • Place to meet
  1. Designs should:
    • Accommodate persons who are disabled
    • Take into consideration Jamaica’s climatic conditions and should demonstrate climate resilience
    • Be adaptable to the various terrains island wide
    • Display innovative use of building material
    • Utilize new technology and building systems and contemporary designs
    • Give consideration to ventilation and natural lighting
  1. Special consideration will be given to modular designs that can be replicated as duplexes, quads, multi-storey apartments or any other attached housing solutions.
  2. Designs should not have names, logos or any other identifying information
  3. Designs MUST be original and demonstrate creativity
  4. Designs must comply with development standards and the applicable building codes


b. Submission Requirements

    1. Each submission must conform to the design guidelines
    2. Each submission must contain:
      • Completed and signed entry form
      • Drawings including plans and sections sufficient to describe the design
      • 3D modelling of the design
      • Adequate description of the building materials
      • A statement outlining the elements of the design (a maximum of two letter sized pages)


c. Questions

  1. Competitors shall have the opportunity to ask questions
  2. All questions must be submitted to [email protected] by June 25, 2021
  3. Reponses to all questions will be made available to all competitors however the identity of the competitor submitting the question will not be revealed
  4. The responses to the questions will form part of the competition instructions.


d. Selection

  1. The designs will be judged and awarded points as follows:
    • Cost (30 %)
      Points will be awarded for the ability to construct the unit for the cost identified.
    • Material (20 %)
      Points will be awarded for materials that are innovative, durable, available, environmentally friendly and approved for use in Jamaica
    • Technical Soundness (20%)
      Points will be awarded based on compliance with engineering, architectural and planning standards
    • Functionality (10%)
      Points will be awarded for use of space and multi-functionality
    • Climate resilience (10%)
      Points will be awarded for design concepts that can absorb environmental stresses and maintain function in the face of climatic changes
    • Innovation and creativity (10%)
      Points will be awarded for new and contemporary designs and technology as well as designs that can be modularized to provide attached housing solutions.
  2. The first prize will be awarded to the entry which receives the highest score and conforms to the design guidelines
  3. The decision of the panel of judges shall be final and binding


e. Disqualification

    1. A design shall be disqualified if:
      • The submission includes names, logos or any other identifying information
      • The design was not developed by the registered competitor
      • In the opinion of the panel of judges, the design substantially fails to meet the design guidelines



Activity Date
Launch of competition May 7, 2021
Posting of registration and entry forms on MEGJC’s website May 11, 2021
Deadline for submission of registration form May 25, 2021
Deadline for receipt of questions from competitors June 25, 2021
Deadline for responses to competitors’ questions July 2, 2021
Deadline for submission of entries August 9,2021
Announcement of winners September 17, 2021



  • The competitors, by submitting their designs, agree that the Government of Jamaica shall retain the copyright to the said designs.
  • The designs submitted may only be used by their respective authors or by any other party with the MEGJC’s written release/consent.



The competitor by signing the entry form:

  • Agrees to abide by the rules of the competition
  • Warrants that the entry is original and that the design belongs to him/her
  • Agrees to indemnify the MEGJC from any loss or claim which may arise out of the publication or use of the design
  • Agrees to return any award given if the competitor is found to be ineligible



The competition shall be governed by the applicable laws of Jamaica



The MEGJC reserves the right to cancel or suspend the competition for any reason.



The rules of the competition are subject to change at any time without notice to the competitors.