Prime Minister Holness Engages with Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres
It was my great pleasure to meet with the Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres.
SG Guterres has been a steadfast advocate and has always borne Jamaica and the Caribbean in mind.
It is a privilege for me to serve in various capacities on UN initiatives including climate financing and other critical advocacy programs.
Yesterday we discussed several issues including support for our brothers and sisters in Haiti.
We also discussed the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the impediments to their achievement.
The world is behind on virtually all the targets largely due to financing constraints. These also have implications for national goals and in our case, our Vision 2030.
The realization of where we are, contrasted against where we want to be, should fuel a redoubling of our efforts.
This year’s convening of the UN around the Future Generations signals the recognition of the peed for urgent, sustained and targeted action towards the goals we have set for ourselves as a global collective.
Jamaica will continue to be a strong voice on the global stage as we take national steps towards our objectives.