Cabinet approved the following for tabling in Parliament:
I. A White Paper on Micro Small & Medium Sized Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Policy.
This policy had originally been tabled as a Green Paper November 2017 and the final validation workshop was convened in January 2018. This was considered by the Economic Growth and Job Creation Committee on March 30, 2018.
The updated policy and implementation plan is noted as providing a cohesive framework for streamlining of activities across the MSME ecosystem. There is a road map provided which details new national definitions governing the MSME sector with six thematic areas and policy goals as well as a five- year implementation plan.
II. Cabinet gave approval for the signing of the CARICOM Arrest Warrant Treaty. This was opened for signature from July 2008 at the 29th meeting of Conference of Heads of Government.
This was established within the Caribbean as a system to arrest and surrender requested persons for the purpose of conducting a criminal prosecution for an applicable offence.
This would assist in meeting the CARICOM Crime and Security Strategy 2013 by decreasing the levels of illegal activity across the region; removing the complexity, costs and potential for delay in extradition procedures between and among member states and establishing a more efficient system of surrender compared to that of the current framework.
III. Approval was also granted for the Food Storage and Prevention of Infestation (Amendment) Act.
IV. The Labour Market Reform Agenda 2017 was also approved for tabling.
The background to this is that in 2016, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MLSS) commissioned Market Research Services Limited (MRSL) to conduct a National Labour Market Survey (NLMS). The need for this study was driven by the recognition of the importance of ensuring that there is adequate and reliable information on the required skills and competencies of the workforce.
The study involved a survey of representatives of firms randomly selected from across all industry groups island-wide. A total of 660 firms participated in the survey.
2. Human Trafficking
Cabinet also gave approval for joint portfolio responsibility with regard to the handling of human trafficking, given that the Ministry of Justice is the current chair of the National Task Force against trafficking in persons (NATFATP). The plan is for the Ministry of Justice to provide support to the Ministry of National Security as needed while continuing to carry out core functions as chair of NATFATP.
It should also be noted that the Government of Jamaica has partnered with the United Nations to launch the Global Blue Heart Campaign Against Human Trafficking. Dr Horace Chang recently launched the Initiative in Jamaica. The campaign is an international awareness initiative by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to fight human trafficking and its impact on society. It seeks to encourage citizens’ involvement and inspire action to help stop the crime.
3. Mutual Assistance Criminal Act
Cabinet also approved drafting instructions for the inclusion of Belgium in the Mutual Assistance Criminal Justice Act, through an order in the relevant section. This decision was taken in response to a request from the government of Belgium.
4. Establishment of National Crafts Council
In other matters, after reviewing a recent submission from the Ministry of Industry Commerce Agriculture and Fisheries (MICAF), Cabinet has agreed to the establishment of a National Crafts Council. This was further to a concept paper presented by the Ministry of Tourism to Cabinet.
The submission by MICAF highlighted the rationale for the policy and noted that the vision was for a viable sustainable diversified and internationally competitive industry showcasing authentic Jamaican products that had the capacity to sustain livelihood and leverage inherent creativity in cultural expression among Jamaican people.
The cross-cutting nature of the craft industry was highlighted by the strategic objectives of the policy. This includes the establishment of a Craft Council and the establishment of Artisan Villages. Given the nature of the industry, an integrated multi-sectoral approach across ministries and agencies was deemed necessary.
5. Tax Amendment Act
Cabinet approved the tabling of the Income Tax (Amendment) Act 2018.
The purpose of the Bill is to:
i. Make permanent the removal of the exemption previously provided for general insurance companies, insurance brokers and agents from the 15% withholding tax on outgoing insurance premiums in the circumstances specified in the Act
ii. Validate and confirm as lawful the withholding tax on outgoing insurance premiums collected during the period 30 December 2017 to the date of coming into operation of the more permanent provisions and
iii. Indemnify the GOJ and persons purporting to act on behalf of the government in good faith and inadvertent as to the collection being invalid improper or unlawful during that period.
5. National Policy on Environmental Systems Green paper
Cabinet approved the Tabling of Green Paper on the National Policy on Environmental Systems in Parliament.
It was observed that the development of the policy would fulfil international obligations and address risks and opportunities provide a competitive edge in trade allow for a regulatory framework with respect to enforcement general economic and
social benefits. The intent of the policy is to stimulate businesses, the public sector and municipalities to improve environmental performance.
6. National Policy on Senior Citizens
Cabinet approved the tabling of the revised National Policy for Senior Citizens 2017 as a Green Paper. The thematic areas explored included:
1) Social engagement and participation
2) Social protection Income Security and Employment
3) Health & wellness
4) Physical environments Protection & safety
5) Family integration & intergenerational transfers &
6) Governance and capacity building
7. Reports for Tabling
Cabinet received and approved the following Annual Reports for tabling:
* Annual Reports of the NSWMA 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9 2009/10
* Annual Report of the HAJ Housing Agency of Jamaica 2016/17
* Annual Report of Financial Institutions Services Ltd 2016/17
* Annual Report of the Racing Commission 2014/15
* Annual Report of the Private Security Regulation Authority 2015/16
* Annual Report of PICA 2010/11
* Annual Report of JSIF 2016/17
* Annual Reports of JAS Jamaica Agricultural Society for 2016 & 2017
* Annual Report & Audited Financial Statements of Women’s Centre of Jamaica 2014/15
* Annual Report of the Jamaica Library Service 2013/14
* Annual Report of the National Water Commission 2013/14 & 2014/15
* Annual Report of the Jamaica Dairy Development Board 2015/16Annual Report & Financial Statements National Library Service of Jamaica
* Annual Report of MIND (Management Institute for National Development) 2013/14
* Annual Report of CHASE (Culture Health Arts Sports & Education) 2016/17
* Annual Report of the Consumer Affairs Commission 2015/16
* Annual Report of the Fair Trading Commission 2013/14
* Annual Report General Legal Council 2016/17
* Annual Report FINCSAC 2016/17
* Annual report of the Electoral Commission of Jamaica 2015/16
* Annual Report of the Jamaica National Agency for Accreditation (JANAAC) 2016/17
* Annual Report Norman Manly International Airport 2016/17
* Annual Report & Audited Financial Statements Jamaica Urban Transit Co. Ltd 2015/16
* Annual Report & Audited Financial Statements Aeronautical Telecommunications Ltd 2016/17
* Annual Land Divestment Report 2016/17
* Annual Report & Audited Financial Statements Ports Management & Security Ltd
* Annual Report of the National Family Planning Board 2015/16
* Annual Reports of the Child Development Agency 2013/14 & 2014/15
* Annual Report & Audited Financial Statements of the Jamaica Information Service 2016/17
* Annual Report & Audited Financial Statements National Land Agency 2007/8
* Annual Reports of the Agricultural Credit Board 2013/14 & 2014/15 & 2015/16
* Annual Report & Audited Financial Statements Financial Services Commission 2016/17
* Annual Report & Audited Financial Statements Aeronautical Telecommunications Ltd (AEROTEL) 2016/17
* Annual report of Office of Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Management ODPEM 2015/16
* Annual report of Social Development Commission 2015/16
* Annual reports of the Board of Supervision 2011/12 /2012/13 2013/14
* Annual Reports of the Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission (JADCO) 2011/12 2012/13, 2013/14 2014/15
* Annual Report of the Sports Development Foundation 2014 & 2015
8. Appointment of Public Investment Management Committee
Cabinet approved the appointment of a 13-member Public Investment Management Committee (PIMC) chaired by the Minister of Finance, Dr Nigel Clarke. Honourable Minister Mrs Fayval Williams will serve as vice chair. The PIMC will comprise the Ministers of Health, Industry Commerce Agriculture and Fisheries, two (2) Ministers without Portfolio at Economic Growth and Development – Hon. Daryl Vaz and L. Mike Henry, the Financial Secretary JAMPRO’s Executive Director, Director General PIOJ, General Manager UDC, CEO NEPA and CEO The Public Investment Management Committee (PIMC) Secretariat.
9. Voluntary National Review Report on the Implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Dr Wayne Henry and a team from the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) will present a report reviewing the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This is a voluntary report wherein Cabinet took note of the significant improvements of access to water, health care and adequate housing.
The team will lead discussions for Jamaica at the UN for a higher level set of meetings on the achievement of the sustainable development goals between July 11- 18.
10. Contracts
* Installation and Commissioning of a sea walk floating pier of Cruise Ships at Port Royal
Cruise Ventures AS has been approved for an award of contract to supply, install and commission a sea walk floating pier at the Kingston Cruise Ship facility proposed for development at Port Royal. The sum is Seven million, four hundred and eighty thousand US dollars (US$7,480,000.00) and comes on the recommendation of the Infrastructure Committee.
* Claims Adjudication Services
A contact of claims adjudication services was awarded to Advanced Integration Systems Ltd for services to the National Health Fund with no objection from EGov Ltd. The contract sum is in the amount of four hundred and thirty-three million, seven hundred and forty-three thousand six hundred and eighty-nine dollars ($433,743, 689.00)
Supply of Liquefied Natural Gas to UHWI
Cabinet approved the award of a contract to Industrial Gases Ltd in the amount of three hundred and ninety-five million, five hundred and nine thousand, one hundred and forty dollars ($395,509,140.00)
Housing and Infrastructure Works at Longville Park
* ASHTROM Building Systems has been awarded a contract in the sum of one hundred and sixty-one million five hundred and seventy-six thousand, five hundred and three dollars ($161,576,503.00) to carry out a design and build contract for the build-out of Longville Park Housing Development Phase 3A.
Cadastral Mapping Services
* Llewellyn Allen & Associates has been approved for contract in sum of ninety–nine million five hundred and sixty-three thousand ($99,563,000.00) including GCT charges. This is to undertake cadastral mapping of the Essex Valley Agricultural Development Project Area.
* Cane Haul Roads Rehabilitation
Stone Plus Ltd has been awarded a contract in the sum of one hundred and nineteen million seven hundred and eight thousand and forty dollars and ten cents to undertake rehabilitation of 1) Spring Valley to Deeside in Trelawny and 2) Flamstead to Garlands in St James – this in keeping with the Sugar Transformation Programme.
Rehabilitation of Unions Estate Wastewater Treatment Plant
Cabinet approved the award of a contract to Surrey Paving and Aggregates Ltd, in the sum of eighty-three million seven-hundred and sixty thousand, four hundred and seventy two dollars ($83, 760, 472.00). This contract will see the rehabilitation of the waste water treatment facilities at the Unions Estate in Central Village, St Catherine.
Granville Integrated Infrastructure Project
* Stone Plus Ltd has been awarded a contract in the sum of one hundred and nine million, nine hundred and ninety thousand eight hundred and forty-six dollars
($109,990, 846.00). This is to carry out rehabilitative works under the Granville Integrated Infrastructure Project in St James.
Variation of Contract for Pipe Replacement Services – Westmoreland
* Through the IDB, there was identified need for variations on the contact form on a pipe replacement works project underway from Scott’s Cove to Belmont in Westmoreland as follows:
1) Asphaltic Concrete Enterprises Ltd – Fifty-one million six hundred and fifty-one thousand five hundred and eleven dollars and thirty –seven cents – ($51,651,511.37)
2) Additional road works based on the need for additional pipe replacement works in the sum of sixty-five million one hundred and eighty-two thousand nine hundred and forty two thousand dollars and twenty-two cents – ($65,182,942.22 ) and additional fees to NWA of four million and twenty-one thousand, three hundred and ninety-six dollars and twenty five cents ($4,021,396.25)
* Redevelopment of Hampden Wharf Phase 1 Falmouth Trelawny
* Surrey Paving and Aggregates Ltd was approved for the award of a contract in the sum of seven hundred and twenty-two million, five hundred and fourteen thousand, seven hundred and eighteen dollars and fifty-eight cents ($722,514,718.58) for the redevelopment of Hampden Wharf – Phase 1, Falmouth, Trelawny.
* China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd, on the recommendation of the National Contracts Commission, has been approved for the first phase of Multi-Phased development of a near-port logistics park as a strategic project on lands adjacent to the Kingston Freeport Terminal Ltd. The approved contract sum is US twenty-five million, eight hundred thousand dollars –
(US $25,800,000.00).
National Spatial Plan for Jamaica
* Acclimatise LAC Ltd UK – has been awarded a contract in the sum of US eight hundred and seventy-two thousand and forty-one dollars (US$872,041.00) for preparation of seven technical papers for a new spatial plan for Jamaica.
* Ferris Cross to Mackfield Road Improvement Project – MIDP
* China Harbour Engineering has been approved for the delivery of contracted work to upgrade the Ferris Cross to Mackfield Road improvement project across the parishes of Hanover to Westmoreland in the sum of US Twenty four million, nine hundred and eighty-three thousand, one hundred and thirty dollars (US$24,983,130.00). This is in keeping with the Major Infrastructural Improvement Project (MIDP).
NHF & JADEP/Pharmaceutical Services
1) Cari-Med/Apotex Ltd was approved for provision of pharmaceutical services to the National Health Fund in the sum of sixty-seven million six hundred and five thousand, four hundred and thirty-two dollars ($67,605,432.00). This is a twenty-four-month contract.
2) Massy Distributors Ltd was approved for supply of pharmaceutical services to JADEP in the amount of One Million five hundred and twenty-seven thousand one hundred and one United States Dollars (US$1,527,101.00) This is a twenty-four month contract.
* Maxfield Park Housing Development
Surrey Paving & Aggregates Ltd has been awarded a contract in the sum of One hundred million, eight hundred and eighty seven thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars ($100,887,175.00). This to undertake infrastructure works in keeping with the Maxfield Park Housing Development.
Housing Development Windsor, Trelawny
* Trevor Dunkley & Company Ltd has been awarded a contract on the sum of Four hundred million, seventeen thousand, four hundred dollars
* ($400, 017,400.00) to undertake civil infrastructure works for the Windsor Housing development project in Trelawny.
On-line Passport Application Services
* Canadian Bank Note Company Ltd has been approved for the provision of services to establish an online passport application system for the Passport Immigration and Citizenship Agency. The sum of One million, two hundred thousand US dollars (US$1,200,000.00) is the amount provided for this provision of services to the GOJ.
Villages of Colbeck Castle Development
* ASHTROM Building Systems Ltd has been awarded a contract in the sum of Eight hundred and eighty-seven million, three hundred and two thousand, nine hundred and eighty-eight dollars and forty-two cents ($887,302,988.42) for infrastructural works under phases 3 &4 between the parishes of St Catherine and Clarendon.
Jacksonville Housing Scheme Clarendon – review of drainage component critical
N.F. Barnes & Co. has been awarded a contract in the sum of One hundred and forty-one million, six hundred and seventy-nine thousand, four hundred and five dollars ($141,679,405.00) to undertake civil infrastructure works for the Jacksonville Housing Scheme in Clarendon. Cabinet took particular note of the need to monitor the construction of adequate draining system in light of the tendency for flooding in this community.
Bernard Lodge Land Use Plan
Further to detailed research undertaken inclusive of inputs form the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) and Sugar Company of Jamaica Holdings Ltd, a master plan was submitted for the development of 1,893 hectares (4,677 acres) of land in the Bernard Lodge community. This plan includes housing, agricultural and commercial elements as well as social services and infrastructure.
Cabinet has directed the appointment of an enterprise team to be appointed to ensure that the plan which has been designed to support renewal, transformation and sustainability of agriculture and is linked to the Caymanas Economic Zone.
Airport Improvement Fees
Cabinet gave approval for use of US one million, three hundred and fifty-eight thousand, two hundred and fifty dollars (US$1,358,250.00) from the airport improvement fees collected at Norman Manley International Airport (NMIA) and Sangster International Airport (SIA) to be utilized to acquire automated border control kiosks and also upgrade existing kiosks for use by PICA.
Cabinet also approved the Mutual Education and Cultural Exchange Act 1961 Programmes of the USA.
Co-ordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, the programme is focussed on strengthening the relationship with the Congressional representatives of the United States.
Synchronising dates for review of toll fees
To improve management by the Government and also by citizenry a common date has been established as July 18, 2018 for review of all toll fees.
Funding to Bobsleigh team
Cabinet agreed to provide contributory support in the sum of US fifty thousand dollars (US$50,000.00) to Jamaica’s Bobsleigh Team towards covering costs incurred their recent competition in the Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang, South Korea.
Provision of Private Security Services to Westmoreland Health Services
Shalk Electronic Security Ltd has been awarded a two year contract for provision of security services to the Westmoreland Health Services. The contract sum is one hundred and sixteen million, one hundred and thirty two thousand, four hundred and eighty nine dollars ($116,132.489).
Tools Labour & Planting Material – Tourism Resort Maintenance Contract
National Solid Waste Management Authority was awarded a five month contract in the sum of three hundred and forty million, forty nine thousand, seven hundred and ninety seven dollars and eighty three cents ($340,049,797.83) for provision of tools labour and planting material to handle the aesthetics of designated Tourism Resort communities as well as additional areas which contribute to the tourism product.
Cabinet approved follow on contract by TAJ for the provision of motor vehicle consumables, inclusive of stockers registration certificates title certificates teslins and laminates used to provide drivers licence cards; in the amount of six hundred thousand, one hundred and fifty pounds i.e. Jamaican One hundred and two million, seven thousand, one hundred and ninety five hundred and forty three cents (£600,150.00 = J$102,007,195.43) to De La Rue International Ltd.
Senator Ruel Reid
Minister of Information
Colin Steer