Government Improves Hurricane Beryl Relief and Recovery with JDF Playing Vital Role to Coordinate Efforts

“In the hardest-hit areas, we are seeing incremental movements towards recovery. The JDF and the line ministries will work together for synergy to ensure that the people of Jamaica are properly supported and served.”
– Prime Minister Holness
Prime Minister Andrew Holness has instructed that the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) play a crucial role in disaster relief, recovery, and coordination efforts following the passage of Hurricane Beryl.
The Disaster Assistance Relief Team (DART) of the JDF has been instrumental in providing emergency aid, clearing debris, restoring essential services, and ensuring public order and safety.
Prime Minister Holness yesterday (July 13) visited the command site established by the DART in Rocky Point, Clarendon, and emphasized the integral role of the JDF in the nation’s disaster preparedness and response mechanisms.
“Jamaica has a well-established disaster preparedness response mechanism coordinated through the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM), which involves multiple entities, including the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of Health, local municipal authorities, the police force, and the JDF,” said Prime Minister Holness. “The JDF acts as a multiplier of resources, providing essential capabilities that significantly enhance our disaster response.”
In that regard, Prime Minister Holness noted that the JDF has been actively involved in humanitarian relief efforts and conducting rapid aerial assessments using drones.
“The JDF has deployed their drones to do rapid aerial assessments, enhancing our capabilities to get a detailed understanding of the scale of damage,” Prime Minister Holness noted. “These capabilities are crucial for an effective and timely response.”
Additionally, the JDF is providing substantial support in maintaining law and order in affected areas.
“The JDF has the residual responsibility for security in affected areas. Whenever there is a disaster, you can have challenges with security, and so the JDF is here to ensure that affected areas remain stable and in good public order. The presence of the JDF, along with the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), gives assurance that law and order will be maintained, preventing any compounding of the disaster by security issues,” stated the Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister pointed out that the JDF will also play a vital role in reconstruction efforts. Detailed plans are being developed and will be made public shortly.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Holness also addressed the current progress in restoring essential services such as electricity, water, and communication. He acknowledged the frustration of residents but assured them that efforts are ongoing to restore these services as quickly as possible.
“I have seen an improvement in the dispatch of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security in the areas affected. People are receiving their care packages and tarpaulins,” he reported. “We are working double time to restore electricity and water, and I ask the people to continue to have faith as we work towards full recovery.”
The Prime Minister is encouraging all Jamaicans to remain hopeful and resilient. He assured the citizens that the government, in collaboration with the JDF and other agencies, is dedicated to accelerating recovery efforts in the coming days.