Prime Minister Holness Visits First Road for Repair Under the SPARK Programme

Prime Minister Holness Visits First Road for Repair Under the SPARK Programme

Prime Minister Holness Visits First Road for Repair Under the SPARK Programme

Today we visited the first road to be completed under the SPARK programme!

There’s a misconception that SPARK is just another routine road repair or maintenance initiative. It is not.

SPARK is a bold capital investment in Jamaica’s infrastructure, designed to create long-term value and strengthen our economy. Unlike patching roads, which is a short-term fix, SPARK is about building new, modern infrastructure that will serve Jamaicans for generations.

For too long, we have been stuck in a cycle of reactive maintenance. SPARK breaks that cycle with the largest investment in our road network’s history. I understand the desire for immediate solutions, but short-term convenience cannot continue to dictate how we manage Jamaica’s development.

SPARK has already started, and it will deliver results.