News from the OPM

GoJ and CMOC Advancing Discussions

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Security, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang on Wednesday, August 3, 2022 led a high-level delegation in discussions with a team from the Crime Monitoring Oversight Committee (CMOC). DPM Chang was accompanied by Minister Robert Morgan and Senator Kavan Gayle. The CMOC team comprised Chairman Lloyd Distant, Prof. Anthony Clayton, Marc Ramsay, Helene Davis-Whyte, and Keith Duncan.

The meeting coincided with the 2nd anniversary of the signing of the National Consensus on Crime Agreement and provided an occasion to advance deliberations between the Government and the CMOC on charting a path to a more effective, impactful and objective monitoring framework. This was in keeping with the government’s commitment to a holistic approach to achieving sustainable crime reduction.

During the discussions, it was agreed by all the stakeholders that the basis of the consensus remains sound while noting that there is need for more specificity in what CMOC measures. The key outcome of the discussions hinged on the agreed position that the CMOC framework should be strengthened around focused, measurable indicators that are informed by critical analysis and expertise in Government policies and procedures.

The importance of having public buy-in was underscored as another critical aspect of the work of the CMOC that should be addressed moving forward.