Government Rapidly Expanding the Process and System of Home Ownership – PM Holness

Prime Minister Andrew Holness says the Government is working assiduously to expand the system and process of land and home ownership in Jamaica.
Speaking recently (February 11) at the handing over ceremony of National Housing Trust (NHT) service lots in Hellshire, St. Catherine, the Prime Minister said:
“What the Government is doing, is expanding the process, the system of home ownership of land ownership and we are doing it in many ways. (We are) doing it in titling by going through and regularizing persons who have occupied lands but have no titles, we are doing it through the Housing Agency of Jamaica (HAJ); regularizing communities that were informally settled. We are doing it again by the Housing Agency; in bringing to the market affordable and low income housing solutions and we are doing it by the NHT in providing support for the financial system for home ownership.”
The Government has been working to provide housing solutions at affordable rates for every group of citizen. In that regard, the Prime Minister said the Government wants persons to own land through the legal process. As such efforts are being made to provide the means for individuals to do so.
“On social equity, it is not enough for the Government to say illegal settlement must end. We must provide you with the means by which you can own a piece of the rock legitimately,” said Prime Minister Holness.
The Government has committed to building a minimum 70,000 housing starts with 10,000 promised to persons under the age of 30 during the current term of the Administration.
The Prime Minister therefore underscored that the work has started and further announcements will be made in his upcoming 2021/2022 budget presentation.
In the meantime, Prime Minister Holness said the provision of additional and affordable housing solutions, will put a significant dent in squatting and will enable the emergence of a strong middle class in the country.
“Every Jamaican I know, want to own a house and drive a ‘big’ car. That is what you call middle class values and this Government is committed to providing the mechanisms, the solutions, the pathway for every single Jamaican, whether you born poor or rich to fulfill your dreams; and housing is a part of it,” said Prime Minister Holness.