NIDS Is A Most Important Advancement in Modernising Jamaica

The National Identification System is one of the most important advancements in the effort to modernise Jamaica. It will ensure that all Jamaicans have access to a universally accepted, secure and efficient system of identity verification. It will also make transactions and access to services easier for all citizens allowing the government to adequately plan for the needs of all Jamaicans.
The National Identification System will see the upgrade of Jamaica’s Information Technology infrastructure to better withstand emerging cyber threats while taking advantage of the significant opportunities offered by a digital economy.
The Government is confident that all efforts were made in the drafting of the NIDs Bill to ensure that it is in-keeping with the spirit of the Jamaican Constitution.
The government is presently carefully studying the challenge brought by the opposition to the current form of the legislation.
Ironically, however, many of the provisions to which they now object originated from previous drafts of the law crafted by them. We will show that the provisions of the law are demonstrably justified in our free and democratic society.
We have been cognizant of efforts by the Opposition to undermine the bill from its first tabling and despite extraordinary efforts to include them in the decision-making process they have consistently maintained a posture of obstruction. We are prepared to defend the legislation and we will not allow Jamaica’s advancement to be impeded and derailed.