PM Holness Announces Proposed COVID-19 Measures for the Christmas Period

Prime Minister Andrew Holness has announced amendments to the proposed Disaster Risk Management measures for the period December 2020 to mid-January 2021.
Speaking in Parliament this afternoon (November 24), Prime Minister Holness said the COVID-19 protocols must be followed over the holiday season to prevent a spike in numbers in January.
“These are not normal times, and we will not be able to celebrate Christmas in the normal way this year. Celebrating Christmas in the normal way would mean keeping our schools closed. We must continue to be vigilant and responsible over the next few months, starting with the upcoming Christmas season”, said Prime Minister Holness.
In that regard, the Prime Minister appealed to all Jamaicans to celebrate Christmas responsibly and limit celebratory gathering to immediate family members.
The following measures are proposed to continue:
- The gathering limit is prosed to remain at 15 persons in public and private places.
- Prohibition of parties and events will remain
The proposed curfew hours will be as follows:
- For December, with exceptions for public holidays; the curfew will commence at 10 pm nightly and end at 5 am each morning,
- On Christmas Day and Boxing Day, the curfew will commence at 7 pm and end at 5 am the following morning. Movement will therefore only be permitted between 5 am and 7 pm on Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
- On December 27th the curfew will revert to 10 pm nightly including December 31, 2020 (New Year’s Eve).
- On New Year’s Day, January 1, 2021, the curfew will commence at 7 pm and end at 5 am the following morning.
- From January 2 – 15th, 2021, we will return to the 10 pm to 5 am curfew.
The Prime Minister further stated that, if the numbers rise beyond reasonable expectations, then the Government will have to re-evaluate the curfew hours.
In the meantime, Prime Minister Holness encouraged all Jamaicans to continue maintaining physical distance, wearing masks, and sanitizing throughout the holiday period.