PM Tours Upgraded Kingston Freeport Terminal Limited

Prime Minister Andrew Holness this morning (Wednesday, January 30) toured the upgraded Kingston Freeport Terminal Limited (KFTL) which now operates under a concession.
The Prime Minister was briefed on the recent growth of the terminal as well as further plans for expansion.
The upgrades so far include dredging of the access channel, turning and shipping basin, the expansion and improvement of the infrastructure, the upgrading of the ICT facilities and the acquisition and upgrading of the operating equipment.
It was revealed that the company has already invested over US$200 million in upgrading works and created over 300 new jobs.
Prime Minister Holness expressed satisfaction with the pace of the development of the port and welcomed further investment in Jamaica by CMA CGM.
He noted that the competitiveness of the economy depends on the ability to improve its logistics capabilities and the Kingston Freeport Terminal Limited is important to that objective.
KFTL was established in 2015 as the vehicle to be used in the execution of the terms of the 30-year Concession Agreement between the Government of Jamaica and CMA CGM. KFTL is responsible for the management and development of the Kingston Container Terminal.