Sustainable Development Goals Aligned to Key Development Concerns and Priorities
Prime Minister Andrew Holness has indicated that he will be taking a keen interest in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs and their alignment with Vision 2030.
He says that SDGs are aligned with key development concerns and priorities of the region.
“We are paying close attention to the implementation of the accelerators as recommended in the SDGs Road Map for Jamaica,” stated the prime minister.
Mr Holness was delivering the keynote address at the Caribbean Action 2030 Regional Conference on the Sustainable Development Goals yesterday (June 28), at the UWI, Regional Headquarters, Kingston.
He suggested that attention must be given to Goal 8 – Decent work and economic growth and Goal 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong institutions in advancing development in the Caribbean.
“By 2030, there should be a Caribbean in which all have access to world – class education and training, healthcare and equal opportunities in safe and just societies that are underpinned by trust, love, respect and tolerance,” explained Mr Holness.
The prime minister added that the Goals are considered a game changer for global development and for advancing the sustainable prosperity of our islands and coastal states.
“I also envision a Caribbean with healthy natural environments, lush vegetation and forests, clean air and water, technology- driven innovation, economic growth in various sectors and prosperity for all”, continued Prime Minister Holness.
Meanwhile, the prime minister says that economic growth forms only a part of the picture for development to be sustainable. He says there must be focus on the social as well as the environmental dimensions.
According to the prime minister, the SDGs are an important framework for the interconnections that enable development to be sustainable.