Prime Minister Holness Commends BB Coke Students for their Heroic Act

Prime Minister Holness Commends BB Coke Students for their Heroic Act

Prime Minister Holness Commends BB Coke Students for their Heroic Act

These extraordinary young men exemplify what it means not to follow the crowd, to be a leader and not a follower, to break the mould and to stand up for what is right, even when others stand by and watch.

Thanks to the courage, empathy and compassion of these young Jamaican school boys, a life was saved, and a nation has been inspired.

Their names are Leon Barnes, Khari Green, Deajuan Gordon, Dejuan Powell and Garry Bartley.

And today I was honoured to have met them to personally convey our nation’s thanks for their thoughtfulness and to acknowledge their remarkable show of kindness.