POST CABINET REPORT For April 26, 2023
During recent months, Jamaica has seen several important developments across various sectors. One of the most significant has been in the area of water infrastructure, where the National Water Commission (NWC) has continued to make historic investments in the water infrastructure, bringing water to tens of thousands of Jamaicans who didn’t have the commodity before. Today, we will be joined by Minister Without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation the Hon. Matthew Samuda and the team from NWC to give an update.
In addition, the Cabinet has made several key appointments to various boards and commissions, including the Jamaica Racing Commission and the Board of Management of the Jamaica Deposit Insurance Scheme. These appointments are aimed at ensuring effective governance and oversight of these important institutions in Jamaica.
The Cabinet has also approved several overseas travel requests, including a delegation led by the Minister of Labour and Social Security to attend the 111th Session of the International Labour Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, and a subregional International Labour Organization meeting in Georgetown, Guyana.
Furthermore, the Cabinet has approved the payment of a quota increase to the Caribbean Public Health Agency and the renewal of insurance placement for the Airports Authority of Jamaica and the Port Authority of Jamaica.
Overall, these developments demonstrate the government’s commitment to ensuring the efficient and effective management of key institutions and infrastructure, as well as its engagement with international partners to advance Jamaica’s interests on the global stage.
Here are the details
Cabinet gave approval for the appointment of Mrs. Doreen Buchanan, JP and Mr. Charles Heholt to the Jamaica Racing Commission, with effect from 17 April 2023 to 3 October 2024, when the tenure of the Board would expire.
Cabinet gave approval for the appointment of members to the Board of Management of the Jamaica Deposit Insurance Scheme for a period of two years, with effect from 4 April 2022 to 3 April 2024, including Mr. Herbert Hylton, Mrs. Linda Wright-Ashley, and Mrs. Blondell Walker; and noted that the Chairperson and ex officio Directors would continue to serve for three years up to 9 February 2023.
The Cabinet submission further recommended that the existing appointed members would continue to serve their two-year tenure up to 3 April 2024; and the Chairperson and ex officio Directors would be reappointed to serve for three years up to 16 April 2026.
Cabinet endorsed the recommendation of the following persons for appointment to the Board of Commissioners of the Public Procurement Commission by the Governor-General for a period of four years, in accordance with the effective date, as specified in the Instrument of Appointment:
- Ms. Lisa Diana Rhooms
- Ms. Sacha Lawrence Rose
- Mr. Raymond Cooper
- Mr. Vernon Barrett
Existing members Mr. Raymond McIntyre and Mr. David Barrett would continue to serve up to 31 March 2024 and 17 May 2024, respectively.
Cabinet gave approval for overseas travel by a delegation led by the Minister of Labour and Social Security to:
(1) participate in the opening of a new office for the liaison service in Nova Scotia, Canada from 7 to 10 June 2023; and
(2) attend and deliver Jamaica’s Statement at the 111th Session of the International Labour Conference in Geneva, Switzerland from 10 to 16 June 2023.
The Cabinet gave approval for overseas travel by a delegation led by the Minister of Labour and Social Security to attend the Twelfth Subregional International Labour Organisation (ILO) Meeting of Caribbean Labour Ministers in Georgetown, Guyana from 23 to 25 May 2023; and gave approval for overseas travel by a delegation led by the Minister, accordingly.
Cabinet approved the payment of a quota increase by the Government of Jamaica in the amount of US$72,430.00 to the Caribbean Public Health Agency, with effect from January 2023.
Cabinet approved the renewal of insurance placement for the Airports Authority of Jamaica (AAJ) for the third and final year of the triennium contract for the period 1 May 2023 to 30 April 2024; and, in keeping with the endorsement of the Public Procurement Commission, recommended for the approval of the Cabinet, the renewal of insurance placement for the AAJ to Fraser, Fontaine & Kong Insurance Brokers Limited, with the recommended insurers General Accident Insurance Company Limited (GAIC) and Lloyd’s Syndicate Chaucer, as follow:
- Placement of US$ Denominated Policies – US$411,173.00; and
- Placement of J$ Denominated Policies – J$1,405,981.00.
Cabinet approved a contract by the Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ) for the provision of real estate development, planning and design consultancy services for the PAJ’s 12-acre property in Montego Bay, St. James; and, in keeping with the endorsement of the Public Procurement Commission, recommended for the approval of the Cabinet, the award of a contract in the amount of $190,023,564.09, including General Consumption Tax, to Harold Morrison+Robert Woodstock Associates Limited.
Finally, Cabinet approved the award of a contract by the National Water Commission (NWC) for the supply and delivery of 200mm and 150mm nominal diameter ductile iron pipes and associated fittings for the Anchovy Water Supply Project, St. James (Shettlewood to Mount Carey and Nelson Tank Pumping Unit); and, in keeping with the endorsement of the Public Procurement Commission, recommended for the approval of the Cabinet, the award of a contract in the amount of $132,296,132.56, inclusive of General Consumption Tax, to Deryck A. Gibson Limited.