150 NWC Personnel to be trained under the Kingston and St. Andrew Non- Revenue Water Co- Management Project

Approximately 150 National Water Commission (NWC) personnel will undergo training and capacity building to improve water supply within the Kingston and St. Andrew area.
This follows the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) this week (February 14) among the NWC, HEART Trust/NTA and Miya Jamaica for the Kingston and St. Andrew Non- Revenue Water Co- Management Project.
Speaking at the signing, Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Dr. Horace Chang said “this is a good example of joined up government that will significantly boost productivity, efficiency and reliability in the water sector.”
Minister Chang said the training will result in a dedicated team to tackle the issue of Non-Revenue Water (NRW), as certification programmes are implemented for the NWC staff.
The project is part of the Kingston Metropolitan Area Water Supply Improvement Programme, financed by the Inter-American Development Bank. It focuses on the rehabilitation of key water production facilities and reduction of NRW within the Kingston and St. Andrew Area.
The government is forecasting a steady reduction in NRW, from 53% to 20% at the end of the five year project.
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