Government must work in partnership with the voluntary sector – PM Holness

Prime Minister Andrew Holness says volunteerism is an important part of national development.
Speaking at the Kiwanis Eastern Canada and Caribbean District Convention in Montego Bay recently, the Prime Minister stressed that a stronger partnership between the Government and the private sector including service groups, is needed across the region to improve the quality of life of citizens.
“Government must work in partnership with the voluntary sector. Volunteerism is an important part of national development and not because it is a philanthropic endeavour, not because it is voluntary, it doesn’t mean that it is free. What it means is that someone chooses to absorb the cost so that those who are needy can benefit. It is the ultimate expression of selflessness,” said Prime Minister Holness.
Prime Minister Holness further stated that volunteerism can make Jamaica and by extension the region a better place.
He made clear the Government’s position in wanting to partner with private sector such as Kiwanis.
“It is a win-win exercise, it is a fair trade. Government therefore should encourage the partnerships and Government wants to partner with all third sector players specifically with the Kiwanis,” said Mr. Holness.
In the meantime, Mr. Holness lauded the Kiwanis movement for its distinguished contribution to society.
“There is no denying the indelible mark made across the globe by Kiwanis International since [its] founding in 1915 more than a century ago. The nation deeply appreciates and values the role that the Kiwanis is playing in human development and human capital development specifically,” stated Prime Minister Holness.
Jamaica recently hosted the Kiwanis Eastern Canada and Caribbean District Convention for the fifth time.