Ground to be Broken for New Parliament This Year

Greater Focus on Ensuring No Delays to the Start of Parliament
Prime Minister Holness says the Government will break ground for the new Parliament building this year. He says this will increase the capability and the capacity of the Parliament to properly administer, oversee and interrogate public affairs.
The Prime Minister noted that the work of Parliamentarians has been hindered due to the constraints of the current Parliament. In this regard, he said this new Parliament is not a demonstration of frivolity but rather a response to critical needs. The Prime Minister also noted that it is symbolic that in Jamaica’s 60th year, it will be breaking ground for this important structure.
Meanwhile, the Prime Minister noted that greater focus is being placed on ensuring that the business of the country proceeds without delay. He said since the start of the year, all Parliamentary sessions started on time and that this is a trend he intends to continue.