Jamaica Declared a STEM Island
“I am pleased to declare Jamaica a STEM island with a vision of fostering innovation, driving economic growth and empowering our people to thrive in the global knowledge economy.”
– Prime Minister Holness
Prime Minister Andrew Holness has proudly declared Jamaica a ‘STEM Island’. This decision signifies a commitment by the government to fostering innovation, driving economic growth, and empowering Jamaicans to excel in the global knowledge economy.
Prime Minister Holness said that by embracing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) as a national priority, Jamaica will unlock its full potential, driving prosperity, peace, and productivity in a sustainable and equitable way for all Jamaicans.
“I am pleased to declare Jamaica a STEM island with a vision of fostering innovation, driving economic growth and empowering our people to thrive in the global knowledge economy. Through our collaborative all hands-on deck approach, government, private sector, academia, and the civil society, we will work towards this goal. Jamaica is now officially declared as STEM Island,” said Prime Minister Holness.
Speaking yesterday (April 24, 2024) at the at the STEM for Growth Symposium at the University of Technology (UTECH), Prime Minister Holness stated that the most valuable resource Jamaica has is its people. In this regard, the government has made investing in its citizens a priority, especial in STEM education.
“The government has for the last five years been working seriously on ensuring that Jamaica becomes a digital society. And that digital society agenda has several elements to it. Starting with, of course, the construction of six STEM schools, meaning schools that will be pulled out of the traditional modality of education run under a different education regulation that is designed specifically to promote this agenda of developing the Jamaican who does not fear mathematics, does not fear engineering, does not fear science, that embraces it, and that will use it for the creation of value for the Jamaican people,” said Prime Minister Holness.
Prime Minister Holness also underscored that the government’s commitment comprises a series of tangible actions, including the rollout of free Wi-Fi hotspots, and investments in broadband infrastructure. Additionally, initiatives such as the STEM tertiary scholarship programme demonstrates a dedication to nurturing the next generation of STEM leaders.
With a commitment to nurturing entrepreneurship and innovation, Jamaica will develop ecosystems conducive to startups and innovators across various STEM industries, including biotechnology, information technology, and advanced manufacturing. The island is set to leverage STEM to harness its rich cultural heritage, monetizing talents in music, arts, and other domains.
In the meantime, the Prime Minister commended the Chairman of the Jamaica STEM for Growth Foundation, the Hon. Dr. Glen Christian, for his unwavering efforts to fulfil the vision of Jamaica to become a STEM island.