News from the OPM

Statement from the Office of the Prime Minister

Statement from the Office of the Prime Minister

It is with deep sadness that we mourn the tragic loss of Ceejay Cunningham, a promising young entrepreneur and beloved member of the community of Chantilly District in Manchester. Just two years ago, Ceejay received the Prime Minister’s National Youth Award for Agriculture and Agro-Processing. His innovative approach to farming and his dedication to his community were evident in every aspect of his work.

His passion for farming and entrepreneurship was recognized as he was the Owner and CEO of Fairwoods Farm JA, with a quarter-acre vegetable farm, equipped with Greenhouse Technology. He was also a graduate of the Southwest TVET Institute, obtaining several HEART/ NSTA certification. Through hard work and dedication, Ceejay exemplified the spirit of resilience and innovation in our youth.

Today, we not only mourn the loss of a talented entrepreneur but also a beloved member of the Chantilly District community in Manchester. On behalf of the government and the people of Jamaica, I extend my heartfelt condolences to Ceejay’s family, friends, and the entire community. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.