Young People Critical to the Success of ‘Project Jamaica’

“Young people have a role not only to be critical of the incompleteness and failures of ‘Project Jamaica’, but you also have a duty to be involved in the solutions that will make ‘Project Jamaica’ a success,” – Prime Minister Holness.
Prime Minister Andrew Holness is appealing to Jamaican youth to consider their critical role in the success of ‘Project Jamaica’. The Prime Minister underscored that while the Government does its part in advancing infrastructural development, our young people also have an essential part to play in guaranteeing a brighter future for our country.
Addressing the Government’s responsibility to the youth, Prime Minister Holness said, “In our 60th year of Independence, we have to commit to improving our housing and infrastructure so that our young people can feel like they’re living in a modern society.” In the same breath, the Prime Minister acknowledged the long-standing issue of brain drain and the frustration many young people experience when they compare Jamaica’s pace of development to other countries.
Considering this, Prime Minister Holness said: “Young people have a role not only to be critical of the incompleteness and failures of ‘Project Jamaica’, but you also have a duty to be involved in the solutions that will make ‘Project Jamaica’ a success.”
The Prime Minister emphasized that the Government maintains its commitment to bridging the dissonance he has observed with the younger generation, especially amid Jamaica 60 celebrations.
Prime Minister Holness made the comments yesterday (August 3, 2022) during his keynote address at the handing over ceremony for the National Housing Trust Ruthven Towers, Phase 1 units in Kingston.