Jamaica Embracing Technological Transformation through EGOV

“One by one, we will review the services of our TAJ of our RGD, and every other entity and we will digitize them to give every Jamaican easy access anywhere, anytime at their convenience. That is what it means to do IT right. The administration is working assiduously to bring the benefits of the digital agenda to all Jamaicans, including persons with disabilities, no one will be left behind.”
Senator Dana Morris-Dixon
The government is taking a proactive approach to global technological advancement and sees it as an opportunity for growth, innovation, and exploration of new frontiers.
Senator the Honourable Dr Dana Morris Dixon, Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Skills and Digital Transformation says the government is leading Jamaica through the 5th Industrial Revolution towards a stronger, more resilient, innovative, equitable and prosperous nation, while ensuring no Jamaican is left behind.
The Minister said, “This administration will leave no Jamaican behind and we will not force anything on our people. We will take the time to explain and provide the tools to enable Jamaicans to participate in a digital society. We will do everything to help you on the digital journey. That is why we have built the national broadband backbone and connected municipal corporations and over 500 educational institutions across the island.”
The Minister also noted that the digital transformation will be inclusive to persons with disabilities. Starting with a pilot programme in December 2023, the Registrar General Department (RGD) will be offering birth certificates in braille to accommodate the visually impaired.
Speaking yesterday (November 29, 2023) at the 2nd staging of the EGOV GOJ Digital show, the Senator Morris-Dixon noted many programmes being undertaken by the government to bridge to digital divide.
She said, “One by one, we will review the services of our TAJ of our RGD, and every other entity and we will digitize them to give every Jamaican easy access anywhere, anytime at their convenience. That is what it means to do IT right. The administration is working assiduously to bring the benefits of the digital agenda to all Jamaicans.”
Senator Morris-Dixon noted that she is working with UNICEF to launch a programme to assist with writing a Curriculum Vitae using WhatsApp and starting in early 2024, the Jamaica Post will begin the delivery of motor vehicle registration documents across Jamaica
In addition, the Minister underscored that the Data Protection Act is fundamental in the digital transformation because people need to feel that there is a mechanism for their data to be kept well. In this regard, beginning December 1, 2023, the Data Protection Act will come into effect, however companies will have a grace period of six months to register.
These programmes are in addition to many other initiatives including the Jamaica Constabulary Force now facilitating appointments for police records online, the Passport Immigration and Citizenship Agency facilitating applications online with kiosks inn place at the Jamaica Post to assist those unable to navigate the online platform and the RGD facilitating applications for certificates online among many others.
In the meantime, Minister Morris- Dixon also explained that another tactic of the government is to merge all government apps into one singular Jamaica app where users would do many services with one app.