Prime Minister Holness Addresses Caribbean National Security Conference 2023
“Our successes against the threat that we continue to face require an unrelenting focus and commitment on all our parts.”
— Prime Minister Holness
Prime Minister Andrew Holness says security is one of the greatest challenges affecting the lives of people and the development prospects of individual states across the Caribbean.
Speaking on Wednesday (June 7, 2023) at the Caribbean National Security Conference (CANSEC) 2023, the Prime Minister also said a key ingredient in strengthening regional security is enhanced cooperation among the states in the region:
“Our successes against the threat that we continue to face require an unrelenting focus and commitment on all our parts. It also requires consistent evaluation and analysis to ensure the effectiveness of our efforts, as well as the willingness to correct force when we assess that the measures, we implement are not bearing fruit. It also requires a regular forum for a meeting of the professional minds so that we can best determine what additional measures may be required to strengthen our efforts from a regional perspective.”
In this regard, the unwavering commitment of the security forces remains the most important element in the fight against crime and violence in the region.
Concerning the security challenges in Haiti, Prime Minister Holness asserted that threats to regional security from this matter are multifaceted and diverse. However, Jamaica continues, with other Caribbean Nations, to work toward a solution.
The Prime Minister said: “Regionally, along with our international partners, we continue to grapple with the means of treating the continuously deteriorating security situation in Haiti. Let me assure you that Jamaica remains seized of the issues in Haiti and we continue to work as seriously with other nations to assist Haiti to find a solution. We continue to develop our good offices’ role. Two significant components of which are the appointment of eminent persons, a group of retired prime ministers, and the facilitation of a consensus-building engagement of diverse Haitian stakeholders in Jamaica from the 11th to the 13th of June. Additionally, we continue to explore how we can assist in the training of the Haitian national police.”
Importantly, Prime Minister Holness observed that the efforts of the regional security forces have been reinforced by more advanced tools and equipment that together, facilitate real-time monitoring of borders and information sharing.
In the meantime, Prime Minister Holness noted that as the participating members of CANSEC contemplate solutions for the future, they should not forget the importance of addressing the root causes of crime and violence and the importance of enhancing partnerships with academia and think tanks.
CANSEC 2023 was held under the theme, “Strengthening Regional Security Through Informed Action.”